Whether you are new to the hobby of showing rabbits, or are an old friend, we hope that our redesigned website will be your go-to source for all things rabbit related in the state of Colorado. We have streamlined navigation and added some new features to better support our members. We welcome your feedback and ask that you please let us know what other features you would find useful on our site.



Welcome to RMHS

RHDV2 (Rabbit Hemorrhagic Disease V2) Please practice safe bio security in your rabbitries and contact your local or state veterinarian if you believe you have had a rabbit die from this. 

Veterinarians must report suspected RHDV2 cases in domestic rabbits to the State Veterinarian’s Office at 303-869-9130. Please use this link to keep up to date on current Colorado counties and more information on the virus.    https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/aganimals/rabbit-hemorrhagic-disease-virus-rhdv2


 Rocky Mountain High Shows, Inc.